Trainz Store Halloween Sale

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So, some assets can be purchase on sale.

You need an example?

:backhand_index_pointing_right: "Pro Train ICE 4 Collection" for just 75% of its MSRP or "PKP Bdhpumn 004" for just 50% of its MSRP. :backhand_index_pointing_left:

To remember:




If you want to purchase!

About the Author

Platziert Bäume und Zäune.

Hat Pläne, die selbst TRS2022 in die Knie ziehen.

Blender ist installiert, aber zeitliche Knappheit bestimmt meine Aktivität bezüglich dem 3D-Modellieren

Comments 1

  • UPDATE: pricing has changed:

    TRS2019 Patinum Edition for 69,99USD

    TRS2019 Standard Edition for 49,99USD

    TRS2022 for 48,99USD

    DLCs are normal price (MSRP)