ZSSK Class 240 available now
While the Central Europe route group project for TRS19 is still progressing, some places on the map currently lack some signature rolling stock. One of these cases is slovakia, where a major gap has now been closed.
The ZSSK Class 240 (ex ČSD Class 499) from 1968 remains an important backbone of rail transport in Slovakia to this day. Thanks to the work of yuz6099 , it is now possible to enjoy this classic piece of eastern european technology in TRS19 in all its glory, as it is…
The ZSSK Class 240 (ex ČSD Class 499) from 1968 remains an important backbone of rail transport in Slovakia to this day. Thanks to the work of yuz6099 , it is now possible to enjoy this classic piece of eastern european technology in TRS19 in all its glory, as it is…
