The strength of numbers or can somone help me with.....

  • In my experience, what often stops a very nice project is the lack of a support team.

    Many Trainz projects are driven by single persons and with the level of complexity of the current content creation, this just means a creator's block will hit you and you end up moth balling your project for the duration (read never ever to be finished) So in order to avoid this, I have created this thread.

    This is the place where you can present your problem - what is it you want to do and how do you bang your head against the wall. It could be PBR textures, scripting, animation or something else. The important part is that you are brief and specific in your description of your problem.

    Ernesto Sirolli is my entrepreneurship guru and he nails the problem in a humorous and wise way. His Ted Talk is about business startups, but it is directly transferable to what we do.

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    So, let this thread do what Sirolli preaches: facilitate

    I will start out with something which has annoyed me since day one: Signals and their placement.

    I am annoyed as hell about the lack of freedom of placement. The locked track distance and the missing ability to rotate the signal makes it at best comparable to old school Märklin.

    We know that a signal in a curve is rotated to face the approaching train, we also know that in order for the signal to be visible at a distance, they are placed away from the track so as to be in the approaching train's line of sight and to allow the correct safe braking distance to be observed too. This is not possible in TRS unless you seperate the signal mesh from the script.


    Yes, by placing the signal function inside a trackside object - a balise or axle counter etc - and have the the "scenery object signal" mimick the signal state with lights or semaphores. But how to link the two? Scripting, I guess :) But is it even possible and what prameters are needed if it is?

    That is way beyond my mental capacity. There for in the spirit of Sirolli, I put it to the community

    Edit: Maybe this better as the first post in a separate subject in the forums. This way each problem gets it's own thread and things remain transparent.

  • I can't help with your problem but I am happy to see you here, I sent you an invite today not realising you were here already, albeit incognito!

    Leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, alte Trainz-Assets am Leben zu erhalten.

    Passionate about keeping old Trainz assets alive.

    Wenn Sie müde werden, lernen Sie, sich auszuruhen, nicht aufzugeben.

    When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.