Central Europe MP Route Project

  • Hi everyone,

    With CE:M being in the final stretch, i want to make something as a quick notice. In the past month, i´ve been working on a big update on my past reskins, and i am only ONE away from having them all finished. With that I want you to check for updates, if you aren´t the Ctrl-A + Download type of guy (when CE:Mini comes out). The update contains these locos:

    <KUID2:967815:100266:6> - ZSR 240 092-7

    <KUID2:967815:100387:4> - CSD S499 001 (240)

    <KUID2:967815:100686:2> - ZSSK 240 005-9 (which also got an update)(waiting for approval on the DLS)

    <KUID2:967815:100347:2> - ZSSK 240 089-3

    <KUID2:967815:100430:1> - CD 240 106-5

    <KUID2:967815:100429:1> - CSD 240 116-4

    <KUID2:967815:100346:4> - ZSR 240 027-3

    <KUID2:967815:100460:1> - CD 240 050-5

    <KUID2:967815:100520:1> - ZSR 240 046-3

    <KUID2:967815:100336:4> - ZSR 240 140-4 (waiting for approval at the DLS)

    <KUID2:967815:100355:2> - ZSR 240 051-3 (WIP)(Should be out till the end of May)

    Some of them got bigger improovements, some of them just a fix here and there.

    PSI.: If you want to spice up your sessions, also <KUID2:967815:100791:2> LTB 240 105-7 and <KUID:967815:100933> ZSSKC 240 042-2 got released on the DLS. They won´t be a part of CE:Mini sessions due to the time of their release.

    PSII.: If you got any photos for textures for ŠKODA class 240 or 230 locomotives, feel free to send me.

    Wishing you the best driving experience,


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    Leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, alte Trainz-Assets am Leben zu erhalten.

    Passionate about keeping old Trainz assets alive.

    Wenn Sie müde werden, lernen Sie, sich auszuruhen, nicht aufzugeben.

    When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.

  • The route is on the way to the DLS. It will become available on Monday, 6th June. Video trailer will be available on my YouTube channel tomorrow at 10:00 CEST. Sessions will be avilable on the DLS on Monday and here on Trainz.de. Multiplayer sessions will be avilable on the DLS only.

    Note: Functionality of sessions is questionable. All I know is that they work on my side. I do not know if they will work for you, due to how unpredictable this game is. If you have problems, please contact me. However, if the problem is with signal not letting you through, there is high chance you need to re-install them (or change train priority).

    If you have additional questions regarding the project, it is a good time to ask now.

  • So, now that new CE Mini is released, work resumes on GASL.

    I want to start by stating that I do not want to promise that it will be finished. I do not know whether I will loose motivation in the project later or not. It is being worked on right now and that is the important thing.

    So I would like to show, what exactly has been done so far (very little) and what to expect.

    Currently only finished area is around Lindau. From here the route will extend several kilometers North-West, but the rest of the route will be South and South-East of Lindau.


    North-West end of the route will be at Kressbronn. I was intending for Friedrichshafen to be the end, but the map is cut short just a bit and I think this area will work better as well. I am preparing some industrial branchlines for this location, so that it has purpose other than just "big yard at the end". I will probably create some aggregate related industry and some palletised/boxed cargo. So far my selection is Bauxite and Electronics, but this could change.


    This North-West area will be the first to be finished, and will work as a "detail" template, which should be kept along the entire route.

    The only reason why I started with Lindau is because it is such a unique station and location, and was very interesting to create.


    It is not a 1:1 representation, only a semi-fictional recreation. Majority of train lines will be fictional, including a dedicated high-speed line running from Kressbronn to Chur. And now that I have revealed the other city, you can get an idea of the scale on the following map. And while I am at it, Arlberg will be included in some form. How exactly it will look and which era will I take the trackwork from is still not certain.


    The route will be seasonal. There will be sessions for it. There most likely will be dedicated assets created for it, including Swiss and Austrian catenary (and maybe signals too). St. Margrethen will be the biggest city and will be fully fictional, with massive passenger station in the city center and massive freight yard on the outskirts of the city. From here, lines will spread to all of the countries. I have no idea how long this project could take, but it could be over 2 years.

  • I wouldn´t call them news. Rather a bunch of olds that have never been said. So let´s go in order of what I can at least somewhat remember, check and say.

    - GASL (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein) is abandoned, but not deleted. I still have the DEM with some of the work that I have done on it ages ago. I realised that I do not posses the skills nor knowledge to make a fuctional German route. At least not yet.

    - Fictional German High-Speed is abandoned, but not deleted. I might come to it by the end of the year actually, but that is a big maybe.

    - We are all slowly moving to TRS22.

    - Central Europe Mini is being discussed with N3V again following one of their recent newsletters, requesting routes that they can include in enxt game or sell as DLC. There are plans to make it even better, fix up all we can and other things as they come and go.

    - Central Europe 2.0 has been started. Idea is to do the same as original Central Europe Project, with recreating Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland. You know this if you follow my Twitch and/or YouTube. This time however, we have knowledge, skills and at least some fitting content available.

    - Original Cenral Europe was supposed to stretch from Czechia through Germany into Denmark. Czechia was supposed to be worked on by Yuz6099. Jani was to get Hungary. I was to finish Slovakia to the east and south. Cebar to work on Poland. Mika to work on Germany. The brandt K to work on Denmark. To put this into more perspective, I will list the following:

    - We had basic track layout of Riesa finished. Roughly 3km of tracks. Later the main station of Regensburg made by Swedar, which was fully completed around the station area. As far as I know, both have been lost to time now.
    - Brno to Praha has been prepared with track layout. Approximately 80 to 100km of tracks has been prepared.

    - Hungary has been prepared with positions of cities, along with basic layout of connections. Baseboards for roughly 80km of tracks have been prepared.

    - Denmark, is a completely another topic. The section from German/Danish border all the way to Kolding has been completely finished. Roughly 10km of tracks. Work then continued south towards Rendsburg, tracks have been laid all the way to and across the big bridge. This one still has potential to become standalone route if Brandt decides to work on it further, but it has not been touched for 3 years now, so it would need a massive concentrated overhaul.

    As for many other things, we realised that if we want to make another route, we need to have a full set of everything. CEM has become our testing ground. We are constantly working on new rolling stock and locos. Some of us on other routes independently too. We also realised that we can not do a lot of work at once, for example: several sections of a route at once. It gets confusing, chaotic and drains motivation and creativity.

    As such, I believe that there won´t be any route from us in the near future, but we are working on some. We have attempted to call it end twice now and find different groups of people to work with, but this has been unsucessful, mostly due to the different personalities the people in other places had, and we simply did not fit among them. We work best together, and have a basic idea of what we are doing :grinning_squinting_face:

    I myself have become less active in Trainz Forums, Trainz.de and Trai.nz. I was not feeling it with Trainz anymore. Every time I announce a solo project, I know that I will not finish said project. Therefore I want to only work in a group now. While CE2.0 is solo worked on by me, I am backed up by my group, so that gives me some drive. However as I mentioned, CEM has a chance to be better again (and our future routes too), so we are going to focus on it again.

    I hope that this answers some questions.

  • Central Europe Mini has been updated for TRS22. It will not obsolete the previous version of the route. I will be slowly working on new sessions for TRS22, with new engines and traincars from notimeindeed.

    This will either be the final or pre-final update to the route. I would like to update the signal system in the future, one that Mika has developed some time ago, with new signal models made by ZiuT. This is however far in the future, so I am not sure if I will bother revisiting this route to do this big of a change.

    There are other projects being worked on, but I will refrain from announcing or talking about anything, as we know it doesnt end well.

    Since the last update on this forum, I have uploaded "Grundorf Lokalbahn" to the DLS. A single baseboard TRS22 route, utilising HD terrain and Euromodeller trains. A small experiment of mine.

    I am not a fan of being very public with works anymore, so I have not visited this forum or other forums in a long time. My updates (if any) will be sparse and late.

    Central Europe Mini TRS22 will be available on the DLS only, in roughly 24 to 48 hours.

    Happy Trainzing fellow Trainzers, Eagle out.

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  • Dietmund Bhf + Town - Work In Progress (Coal Mine Town)


    Lissing BHF + Town - Work In Progress (Resort Town)


    Dabach Bhf + Town - Work In Progress (DE/PL border town - loco change at Polish side of border)


    Dietmund Coal Mine - Work In Progress - You guys didn´t expect this one :grinning_squinting_face:


    Rhenfeld Bhf + Town - Work In Progress


  • Siebehagen WIP - Border town of BeNeLux area, Denmark and Germany. Pictured is the main part of the city. I am yet to create a freight yard and industry area. It has been decided this town will host a Sawmill-Papermill combo. Still in the process of planning the track layout.

    Bottom Left - Mainline to Niederburg (main city of German region)
    Bottom Right - Line to Dietmund and Dabach
    Top Right - Line to Denmark (Denmark not included), future area of industries and yard
    Top left - Line to BeNeLux region (BeNeLux not included. More off-map connections are WIP. More about that later.)


  • Thank You Sabrey !

    A week´s worth of work for a relatively small town. But it´s moving faster than ever. I think by the end of the week, I will have 50% of CEM Germany finished. Until now I have worked on the relatively simple half, with a lot of countryside. The other half of Germany needs to host the main city, harbour, airport and a S-Bahn network. A lot more towns and villages to work on.

    Siebenhagen from above, WIP


    Niederburg HBF (Main City), WIP


    Südbergen HBF (Airport City), WIP
