One thousand reasons to love trains by Pm37

  • SP42-108v2.jpg

    Let me show you something more :)


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Pm37 ()

  • Fahrbefehl "Fahren auf Sicht" oder die Ankunft einer Nachschub-Lokomotive?
    (Ich weiß nicht, wie man die Fachbegriffe vernünftig ins Englische übersetzt.)

  • Well, to be honest I have no idea how to wrote it in german (so ironically), but in this situation it's end of bankers'/helpers' work.,2…aFaWag_201E_ET22_995.html

    Well, maybe better describe situation that picture. The green loco ET22 is preparing to help the train to climb the gradient. Heh, I was even inspirated by this specific route (D29-141 Katowice Ligota - Gliwice; helper stationed in Ruda Śląska Kochłowice) to create this screen :)


    And really does it look like :winking_face:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Pm37 ()

  • The green loco ET22 is preparing to help the train to climb the gradient.

    I will try to translate and comment my request:
    It isn't Driver command "Drive on sight"
    It isn't the arrival of the helper engine, as I presumed.
    He finished his work (support).

    Sorry, my English is good enough for survival
    and small talk in England, but not more. a045.gif

  • Well, I understood what you mean even by the first time :winking_face: It wasn't necessary, but thank you :). I understand german and english, but i prefer to write in second language, cause i really don't like to hurt the first one. Quite difficult in grammar structures for me.

    Of course, it weren't both of these situations that you described :)

    "Fahren auf Sicht" <--- polnische "jazda na widoczność"; in this situation drive should keep max. speed not faster than 20 km/h. You have right. It looks like driving to help the train, but furtonately not this time :) Maybe next time :)

  • Well, after 8 years of with Trainz, i finally decided to finish my carrier as Pm37.


  • Well, that are bad news... Did you tell us why?
    Sorry, my english is not the yellow of the egg...

    Greetings Jasper

  • Well, it's very hard to say, but i cannot be a machinist. My dream is already over. It because i have an Asperger syndrome. Even if i'm not an Asperger (cause there's a lot of things that i've beaten by few months without any barriers), i still have an uncomfortable papers... So, i decided to give up and finish my hobby. Well, that's the polish law and mentality. Only the new diagnosis can change something, but in Poland you cannot prove something so easily if you have something proven only once. And polish doctors mentally still live in previous system.

    We'll, there is one of the most popular things that cause polish young people decide to leave home and try somwhere else, also in Germany.

    I really love railway, but i can't live that way. I think it will be better for me.

  • But that's the point of trainz. You simulate what you know you can't do in real life. I think I would never play Trainz if I were to become a train driver.

    best regards, Trainzrule

    btw thanks fore those lovely screenshots!

  • ... i have an Asperger syndrome
    ... Well, that's the polish law and mentality.
    ... I really love railway, but i can't live that way. I think it will be better for me.

    Please note: Asperger isn't a wall. It is a challenge - your challenge.

    Many People here also. :neutral_face: As an assistant in an workshop for handicapped people with mental-health problems I can see,
    how our society stigmatizes them. Not at least by the reports of the extremist attacks last time in Germany.

    Your hobby shouldn't be a leg iron for your real life. So I can understand your decision.
    It was a good time with you.
    The door is open, when you will come back.

  • Yes, I know, but sometimes there's more important to finish something than hurt yourself. That's what i'm thinking about. Well, so Asperger as well. And i'm going to prove i'm not an Asperger, but probably nobody would belive me. So I must prove it by my whole life-time. And I made thousands incredible things that are out of reach for simple Asperger. But probably there will be a lot a such of things that I made just perfect. And every doctor would connect with Asperger...