U-bahn vehicles

  • Hello, is this u-bahn vehicles for download? And can someone send me Gisela?



  • Hello. No, not at the Moment. Maybe they will be available in a few months.

  • I would be looking for the Berlin S-Bahn and subway. It's more like 10 years for Trainz. I also saw no new development of routes. There is only this possibility: Berlin Subway U8.

    She is older. But it is excellent from the graphics and sound and announcements and ...

    Correction. Is this the U 9 download for Trainz 2012? I have discovered that now. The offer of routes u.s.w. is very confusing. :frowning_face: Now I understand the economical statement of the previous answer, so wait or what you want to do...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nikralle ()