Exports of VEB WSSB signalling equipment

  • Hello everyone!

    For a long while I have been gathering information about a specific set of East German VEB WSSB signalling equipment. Specifically, what was exported to Romania back in 1982. It's a unique setup since it was adapted to fit the needs of the CFR (which used (and stil does) a signalling system based on what the Soviet Union used, together with some German and Austrian elements, but this is beyond the scope of this post).

    The only complete signalling setup (that I know of) was implemented at the Videle sorting yard and the neighboring station, with the odd signal thrown across the country.

    Speaking about the signals, they're of a very interesting design, being the standard WSSB HL setup with the lights arranged in the standard OSShD pattern


    Signal in a small station near Bucharest


    Photograph taken by me of the Videle train station.


    Screen grab from a train backview


    Picture taken by a Romanian railfan from a signalling instruction book.

    I am writing this post to ask if anyone knows any more information about the system, as there is surprisingly little to be found on the internet about it, mostly being centered on the remotely-controlled shunter at the Videle yard. In German language, there is just a brief mention of the system being exported.

    I figured that since this is a German system, this would be the best place to ask.

    Unfortunately, the Videle system has been torn down and replaced some years ago, leaving me with no way to properly document it. I would be grateful if anyone could find anything interesting about this system, be it history, technical drawings or anything else.

  • Moin Kilo,

    Im Zusammenhang mit der WSSB Signal Technik in Rumänien, würde ich vermuten, daß diese evtl. mit der Stellwerkstechnik EZMG zu tun hat . Im genannten Link steht auch was über die vereinfachte Ausführung der Signal Begriffe gegenüber den Aufbau der HL Signale WSSB der Deutschen Reichsbahn.

    die https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EZMG

    Gruß Stefan

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Stefan24 ()

  • Moin Stefan!

    Thanks for the link. A variation of the Soviet EZMG is currently used today in the vast majority of electrodynamically centralized train stations around here. Same signal design and switch mechanism, too. In service together with the Indusi I-60 since the early '60s. But, instead of two wires for the block signalling part, we use about 20.

    Though, there was one station documented using genuine German WSSB signalling equipment, together with HL-style signals on concrete poles and WSSB-designed switches.

    The capabilities of the sorting yard lead me to believe it used the Gleisbildstellwerk Bauform GS II A 68 design. But this is only as far as what I found out can get me. How it got here and how it was modified to fit the rest of the EZMG (EZMR?) network, I have little clue.

  • Habe noch einen interessanten Link zum einheitlichen Signalsystem der OSShD gefunden.

    OSShD Signals

    Interessant finde ich, dass es die OSShD immer noch gibt.


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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von basy2xc () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von Stefan24 mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.